Results for 'Wahid Bakhsh Shaikh'

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  1.  12
    Education based on the teachings of Holy Quran.Wahid Bakhsh Shaikh - 1993 - Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan: Pakistan Study Centre, University of Sindh.
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    The Effects and the Mechanisms of Board Gender Diversity: Evidence from Financial Manipulation.Aida Sijamic Wahid - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 159 (3):705-725.
    This study examines the impact of board gender diversity on financial misconduct. The findings suggest firms with gender-diverse boards commit fewer financial reporting mistakes and engage in less fraud. The findings hold after accounting for the potentially endogenous nature of board demographic characteristics via instrumental variable approach. Furthermore, the findings are consistent in pre- and post-regulation periods and hold for firms with good and bad governance. The findings do not seem driven by differences in effort or quality, in terms of (...)
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    The Virtuous City: The Iranian and Islamic Heritage of Utopianism.Alireza Omid Bakhsh - 2013 - Utopian Studies 24 (1):41-51.
    ABSTRACT Although there are myriad sources on utopia and utopian studies, in none of them is there reference to the Iranian utopia The Virtuous City, written by Abu Nasr Farabi, Iranian philosopher, logician, and musician and founder of Islamic philosophy. His ideas are homogeneous with those of Greek philosophers, especially Plato and Aristotle, but a comparison of the dominant ideology of the book with Islamic, especially Shiite, teachings shows that Farabi presents a Shiite utopia. The Virtuous City consists of six (...)
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    Capitalism: Competition, Conflict, Crises.Anwar Shaikh - 2016 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Orthodox economics operates within a hypothesized world of perfect competition in which perfect consumers and firms act to bring about supposedly optimal outcomes. The discrepancies between this model and the reality it claims to address are then attributed to particular imperfections in reality itself. Most heterodox economists seize on this fact and insist that the world is characterized by imperfect competition. But this only ties them to the notion of perfect competition, which remains as their point of departure and base (...)
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    Socioeconomic status and fertility in rural Bangladesh.K. Shaikh & S. Becker - 1985 - Journal of Biosocial Science 17 (1):81-89.
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    "From the One, Only One Proceeds": The Post-Classical Reception of a Key Principle of Avicenna’s Metaphysics.Wahid Amin - 2020 - Oriens 48 (1-2):123-155.
    The separated intellects play a crucial but notoriously controversial role within the Neoplatonic systems of al-Fārābī and Avicenna. While both thinkers provide an array of proofs to support the existence of such immaterial substances, the most enduring of these is based on a metaphysical rule of Avicenna’s metaphysics known as the “rule of one” (qāʿidat al-wāḥid): that from the One, only one proceeds (lā yaṣdur ʿan l-wāḥid illā l-wāḥid). The following paper explores the various ways in which Avicenna defended this (...)
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    Maqasid al-Shariah as a Complementary Framework to Conventional Bioethics.Shaikh Mohd Saifuddeen, Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman, Noor Munirah Isa & Azizan Baharuddin - 2014 - Science and Engineering Ethics 20 (2):317-327.
    With the rapid advancements made in biotechnology, bioethical discourse has become increasingly important. Bioethics is a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary field that goes beyond the realm of natural sciences, and has involved fields in the domain of the social sciences. One of the important areas in bioethical discourse is religion. In a country like Malaysia, where Muslims make up the majority of the population, Islam plays a crucial role in providing the essential guidelines on the permissibility and acceptability of biotechnological applications (...)
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    Psychological Capital, Emotional Labour, and Burnout among Malaysian Workers.Al-Shams Abdul Wahid, Muhamad Khalil Omar & Idaya Husna Mohd - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:292-316.
    Burnout, characterized by emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and a diminished sense of personal accomplishment, is an occupational phenomenon now recognized by the World Health Organization. This study explores the interplay between psychological capital and emotional labour in contributing to burnout among workers in a Malaysian non-profit organization (NPO). Psychological capital encompasses positive psychological states such as self-efficacy, optimism, hope, and resilience. Emotional labour involves managing emotions to fulfil job roles, often requiring workers to present emotions that may not reflect their true (...)
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    Willingness to participate in health research: Tunisian survey.Wahid Bouida, Mohamed Habib Grissa, Asma Zorgati, Kaouthar Beltaief, Hamdi Boubaker, Asma Sriha, Riadh Boukef & Semir Nouira - 2016 - BMC Medical Ethics 17 (1):47.
    BackgroundFew studies have identified the willingness rate of developing countries population to be enrolled in clinical trials.MethodsAll participants including patients, healthy volunteers and doctors completed a questionnaire to examine factors affecting the consent to participate in medical research.ResultsOverall, 80 % of the included population agree to participate in health research. This rate was lower for trials dealing with life-threatening diseases. Altruism and perceived risk of harm were the main reason to respectively accept or refuse to participate in clinical trials. Factors (...)
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    Qutb al-Din al-Razi and the Problem of Universals: A Fourteenth-Century Critique of Avicenna’s Theory of Natural Universals.Wahid M. Amin - 2019 - Nazariyat, Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences 5 (2):25-58.
    Nazariyat, Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences, issued twice a year in English and Turkish (Nazariyat İslam Felsefe ve Bilim Tarihi Araştırmaları Dergisi), is a refereed international journal. It publishes original studies, critical editions of classical texts and book reviews on Islamic philosophy, kalām, theoretical aspects of Sufism and the history of sciences. The goal of Nazariyat is to contribute to the discovery, examination and reinterpretation of the theoretical traditions in the history of Islamic thought, by giving (...)
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    Duktūr ʻAbd al-Raḥmān Badawī: mishwār al-ʻumr.Ḥusayn ʻAbd al-Wāḥid & عبد الواحد، حسين - 2002 - al-Qāhirah: Dār Akhbār al-Yawm, Qiṭāʻ al-Thaqāfah.
    Badawī, ʻAbd al-Raḥmān; Arab philosophers; biography.
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    How to Counter Islamic Extremism.Abdurrahman Wahid - 2003 - Diogenes 50 (4):123-125.
    Two great challenges for reform of education have to be addressed if Muslim society is to respond meaningfully to the threat of terrorism.Most Muslims are strongly opposed to acts of violence, in any form, undertaken in the name of religion. Consequently, it hurts us to constantly see the name of Islam, ‘the religion of peace’, linked with international terrorism. Nevertheless, as Muslims we must face the reality that if we fail to address the challenges before us we will find ourselves (...)
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    Optimisme Remaja yang Tinggal di Panti Asuhan Ditinjau dari Kebersyukuran dan Konsep Diri.Adi Winarni Wahid, Ageng Larasati, Ayuni Ayuni & Fuad Nashori - 2018 - Humanitas 15 (2):160.
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    Pour dissocier l'Islam de l'extrémisme.Abdurrahman Wahid - 2002 - Diogène 200 (4):152-154.
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    Transforming rituals: Creating cultural harmony among the Dou Mbawa of eastern Indonesia.Abdul Wahid - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (1).
    This study revolves around the configurations of Dou Mbawa [People of Mbawa] in Bima, West Nusa Tenggara, eastern Indonesia, mapped onto the three main sociocultural-religious groups of Muslims, Christians and Parafu [followers of local beliefs]. It focuses on the Raju ritual as a ‘text’, representing social structures and dynamics of religious tension among the Dou Mbawa, which has been understudied in the existing works of literature. The central position of the Raju ritual is highlighted, as it is born from the (...)
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  16. Explaining the Global Economic Crisis.Anwar Shaikh - 1999 - Historical Materialism 5 (1):103-144.
    During the late 1960s, the long post-war economic boom which had characterised the advanced capitalist countries began to fade away. In its wake came an equally long era of stagnation, decline, and political and economic turbulence. Unemployment, inflation, falling profitability, business failures and bankruptcies were the new order of the day, and it became commonplace to see fearful headlines about the possible collapse of the global financial system or even of accumulation itself.
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    Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Symptom Dimensions Differentially Predict Adolescent Peer Problems: Findings From Two Longitudinal Studies.Shaikh I. Ahmad, Jocelyn I. Meza, Maj-Britt Posserud, Erlend J. Brevik, Stephen P. Hinshaw & Astri J. Lundervold - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Introduction: Previous findings that inattention and hyperactive/impulsive symptoms predict later peer problems have been mixed. Utilizing two culturally diverse samples with shared methodologies, we assessed the predictive power of dimensionally measured childhood IA and HI symptoms regarding adolescent peer relationships.Methods: A US-based, clinical sample of 228 girls with and without childhood diagnosed attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder was assessed and followed 5 years later. A Norwegian, population-based sample of 3,467 children was assessed and followed approximately 4 years later. Both investigations used parent and (...)
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  18. Exploring the Deliberative Ideal through the lens of Gandhian Thought (2nd edition).Ekta Shaikh - 2023 - Gandhi Marg Quarterly 44 (4):453-470.
    Deliberative Democracy theory is an ever-expanding field in political theory. In the present article, I aim to present the significance of Gandhian thought for the theory of deliberative democracy. Gandhi never used the term deliberation or articulated a theory of deliberative democracy specifically while expressing his notion of ideal democracy. For him, discussion, exchange of thoughts, reasoning, etc. was instinctive for democracy and not something that required to be defended within the boundaries of scholarship. I trace the central elements of (...)
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  19. The power of profit.Anwar Shaikh - 2004 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 71 (2):371-382.
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  20. Who pays for the'welfare'in the welfare state? A multicountry study (vol 70, pg 531, 2003).A. Shaikh - 2004 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 71 (1):531-550.
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  21. Measuring the Wealth of Nations: The Political Economy of National Accounts.Anwar M. Shaikh & E. Ahmet Tonak - 1996 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book provides an alternative foundation for the measurement of the production of nations, and applies it to the US economy for the postwar period. The patterns which result are significantly different from those derived within conventional systems of national accounts. Conventional national accounts seriously distort basic economic aggregates, because they classify military, bureaucratic and financial activities as creation of new wealth, when in fact they should be classified as forms of social consumption which, like personal consumption, actually use up (...)
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    AI in human teams: effects on technology use, members’ interactions, and creative performance under time scarcity.Sonia Jawaid Shaikh & Ignacio F. Cruz - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (4):1587-1600.
    Time and technology permeate the fabric of teamwork across a variety of settings to affect outcomes which have a wide range of consequences. However, there is a limited understanding about the interplay between these factors for teams, especially as applied to artificial intelligence (AI) technology. With the increasing integration of AI into human teams, we need to understand how environmental factors such as time scarcity interact with AI technology to affect team behaviors. To address this gap in the literature, we (...)
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  23. Computer simulations and experiments: The case of the Higgs boson.Michela Massimi & Wahid Bhimji - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 51 (C):71-81.
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    Governance at Grass Roots Level in Pakistan: A Historical Perspective.Khalil Shaikh - 2024 - Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 63 (1):97-107.
    _Pakistan gained independence on August 14, 1947. Its democratic system has deep historical roots dating back to ancient times. This study explores the growth and development of grassroots governance in Pakistan. A qualitative research approach was employed, incorporating an extensive review of books on the subject and relevant online materials. The research reveals that grassroots governance in Pakistan has undergone several evolutionary phases, supported by a strong legal and constitutional framework. These constitutional provisions have played a crucial role in reinforcing (...)
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    Organised crime in pakistan: A criminological study of money laundering.Tahseen Ahmed Shaikh & Fateh Muhammad Burfat - 2018 - Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 57 (1):29-44.
    Organised crime is chameleonic in nature. It is transnational, dynamic, overlapped criminal activities and pervasive in nature. In the same way, money laundering is the predicate offence and it is naturally linked to other organised crimes. After the cold war, this nexus culminated during the occurrence of 9/11 in particular which was a lethal combination of money laundering and terrorist financing. This combination is currently being experienced by Pakistan; where various terrorist groups are involved with direct and indirect support of (...)
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  26. Foreign Trade and the Law of Value.Shaikh Anwar - 1980 - Science and Society 44:27-57.
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  27. Falsafah-ʼi Ibn Sīnā.Shaikh Ismāʻīl Muballigh - 9999 - Kābul: Intishārāt-i Dānishgāh-i Ibn Sīnā va Bunyād-i Andīshah. Edited by ʻAlī Amīrī.
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  28. A Pilot Survey of Consenting Practice for Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy.Irshad Shaikh, Mohamed Boshnaq, Ahmed Al-Naher, Sapna Patel & George Tsavellas - 2014 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 11 (1):9-10.
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    Forecasting Stock Prices of Companies Producing Solar Panels Using Machine Learning Methods.Zaffar A. Shaikh, Andrey Kraikin, Alexey Mikhaylov & Gabor Pinter - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-9.
    Solar energy has become an integral part of the economy of developed countries, so it is important to monitor the pace of its development, prospects, as well as the largest companies that produce solar panels since the supply of solar energy in a particular country directly depends on them. The study analyzes the shares of Canadian Solar Inc. and First Solar Inc. The purpose of the study is to study the possibility of forecasting the stock price of solar energy companies (...)
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  30. Islām men̲ ḥusn-i ak̲h̲lāq kī ahmīyat.Shafi Shaikh - 2002 - Mumbaʼī: Shafīʻ Shaik̲h̲.
    Qualities of an ideal human character, according to Islam.
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  31. On pseudo cyclic Ricci symmetric manifolds admitting semi-symmetric metric connection.Absos Ali Shaikh & Shyamal Kumar Hui - 2010 - Scientia 20:73-80.
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    On the role of reflexivity in economic analysis.Anwar Shaikh - 2013 - Journal of Economic Methodology 20 (4):439-445.
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    Studying health-seeking behaviours: Collecting reliable data, conducting comprehensive analysis.Babar T. Shaikh, David Haran, Juanita Hatcher & Syed Iqbal Azam - 2008 - Journal of Biosocial Science 40 (1):53-68.
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    The women's khutbah book: contemporary sermons on spirituality and justice from around the world.Sa'diyya Shaikh - 2022 - New Haven: Yale University Press. Edited by Fatima Seedat.
    A collection of religious sermons (khutbahs) by contemporary Muslim women in a variety of new and emerging contexts, in South Africa, Senegal, Egypt, Malaysia, Pakistan, Indonesia, Canada, Mexico, the United States, Germany, Denmark, and the United Kingdom.
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  35. Vasatiia--Ḣaët Ĭŭli.Shaĭkh Muḣammad Sodiq Muḣammad Usuf - 2006 - Sharq.
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    Panorama Behaviors of Holographic Dark Energy Models in Modified Gravity.A. Y. Shaikh & K. S. Wankhade - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 51 (3):1-25.
    A class of solutions of field equations in \\) gravity proposed by Harko et. al. for a Bianchi type I space–time with dark matter and Holographic Dark Energy is mentioned. Exact solutions of field equations are obtained with volumetric power and exponential expansion laws. The negative value of the deceleration parameter represents the present acceleration of the universe. It is observed that EoS parameter of HDE is a decreasing function, converges to the negative value in Power-law model whereas in exponential (...)
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    Burhān-i ṣiddīqīn: pizhūhishī-i pīrāmūn-i "sayr-i takāmulī-i burhān-i ṣiddīqīn dar falsafah-i Islāmī" bih z̤amīmah-i maqālahʹī darbārah-i "Barāhīn-i falsafī bar tasbīḥ-i mawjūdāt".Nafīsah Fayyāz̤ Bakhsh - 2006 - Tihrān: Shirkat-i Intishārāt-i Iḥyāʼ-i Kitāb.
  38. Jamāl-i ḥusn va niẓām-i aḥsan: majmūʻah-i maqālāt-i falsafī darbārah-yi "masʼalah-yi sharr dar umūr-i ʻāmmah-i falsafah-yi Islāmī", "Nawʹāvarīʹhā-yi falāsifah-yi Islāmī dar pāsukh bih shubhah-yi sharr dar ilahīyāt" va-"Niẓām-i aḥsan".Nafīsah Fayyāz̤ Bakhsh - 2006 - Tihrān: Shirkat-i Intishārāt-i Iḥyāʼ-i Kitāb.
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    Comparison of the views of patients and rehabilitation therapists on the importance and respecting of the patients’ rights charter.Zahra Ghayoumi-Anaraki, Mina Forough Bakhsh, Seyed Ahmad Rezaei Anbarake & Mohaddeseh Mohsenpour - 2023 - Clinical Ethics 18 (2):245-250.
    Introduction Respecting the Patients’ Rights Charter leads to the demands of patients for their rights and the response of rehabilitation therapists by increasing their compliance. The present study aimed to compare the views of patients and rehabilitation therapists about the importance and extent of compliance with the Patients’ Rights Charter. Methods This cross-sectional study was conducted for 3 months on 114 patients and 55 therapists who were selected using the convenience sampling method. The data collection tools included a demographic information (...)
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  40. Zindagānī va shakhṣīyat-i Khvājah Naṣīr al-Dīn Ṭūsī.Kāẓim Ravānʹbakhsh - 1950 - [Tabrīz?]: Chāpkhānah-i Shafaq.
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    US adults’ preferences for race-based and place-based prioritisation for COVID-19 vaccines.Harald Schmidt, Sonia Jawaid Shaikh, Emily Sadecki & Sarah Gollust - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (7):497-500.
    Implementing equity principles in resource allocation is challenging. In one approach, some US states implemented race-based prioritisation of COVID-19 vaccines in response to vast racial inequities in COVID-19 outcomes, while others used place-based allocation. In a nationally representative survey of n=2067 US residents, fielded in mid-April 2021, we explored the public acceptability of race-based prioritisation compared with place-based prioritisation, by offering vaccines to harder hit zip codes before residents of other zip codes. We found that in general, a majority of (...)
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    Deaf to Deaf (Dispatch).Fatima T. Nafisa, Kainat Wahid, Shayla-Rae Tanner, Mustafa Alabssi & Joanne Weber - 2024 - Studies in Social Justice 18 (1):14-15.
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    Ethical Issues in Sperm, Egg and Embryo Donation: Islamic Shia Perspectives.Md Shaikh Farid - 2024 - HEC Forum 36 (2):167-185.
    Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ARTs) have been practiced in Islamic societies within married couples since their introduction. However, there are divergent views over the issue of third-party donation among Sunni and Shia scholars. This paper illustrates the different perspectives of Shia Muslims surrounding, sperm, egg, and embryo donation and ethical aspects thereof. The study reveals that there are different views regarding sperm, egg, and embryo donation among the Shia religious leaders around the world. Many Shia religious scholars, including the Iranian supreme (...)
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    Le religioni monoteistiche contro il terrorismo.Shaykh Abdal & Wahid Pallavicini - 2007 - Idee 65:141-144.
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    Ethnicity and islamic activism in diaspora: A study on the “urang awak” and their dakwah activism in west java, indonesia.Abdul Wahid Hasyim - 2020 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 15 (1):55-74.
    This article examines the “urang awak”, a term referring to the Minangnese who trace their origin to Minangkabau in West Sumatera, and their dakwah activism in diaspora. It problematises the relation of Islam activism and ethnic identity of a diasporic community in contemporary West-Java, Indonesia. It further argues that mosque has been central to the activities of dakwah activism of the urang awak in diaspora. As this article demonstrates, the Harakatul Jannah Mosque and Al-Anwar Mosque reserve as important bases for (...)
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    SQC and the fluency hypothesis.Abdul Wahid Mir - 2012 - AI and Society 27 (3):417-420.
    Students’ Quality Circles (SQCs) are considered in the context of English Language Teaching in Pakistan, with a focus on oral expression. SQCs offer many educational benefits.
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    Ship Breaking Industries and their Impacts on the Local People and Environment of Coastal Areas of Bangladesh.Yasin Wahid Rabby, Shahreen Muntaha Nawfee, Nishat Falgunee & Md Juel Rana Kutub - 2017 - Human and Social Studies. Research and Practice 6 (2):35-58.
    The coastal area of Bangladesh is one of the most ecologically productive and it contains a rich biodiversity which includes several species that are endemic to this region. Much attention has been focused on ship breaking industries in the coastal areas because of the threat they pose to this thriving biological communities along with their other environmental impacts and the perilous working environment of the workers. The coastal environment of Sitakunda is severely contaminated by various processes related to ship-breaking i.e. (...)
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  48.  53
    Deliberative democracy in Asia. [REVIEW]Ekta Shaikh - 2023 - Asian Studies Review 47 (1):197-198.
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    Assisted Reproductive Technologies: Comparing Abrahamic Monotheistic Religions.Md Shaikh Farid & Sumaia Tasnim - 2022 - Asian Bioethics Review 15 (1):53-67.
    The impact of culture and religion on sexual and reproductive health and behavior has been a developing area of study in contemporary time. Therefore, it is crucial for people using reproductive procedures to understand the religious and theological perspectives on issues relating to reproductive health. This paper compares different perspectives of three Abrahamic faiths, i.e., Judaism, Christianity, and Islam on ARTs. Procreation, family formation, and childbirth within the context of marriage have all been advocated by these three major religions of (...)
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    Gamete Donation: Ethical Divergences in Islamic Religious Thinking.Md Shaikh Farid & Paul Schotsmans - 2014 - Asian Bioethics Review 6 (1):23-38.
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